Friday, January 30, 2009

Thanks Coach Wendy!

Wasn't really feeling like exercising yesterday. I had the start of a migraine and cramps from it being that time of month (TMI?) so I stumble on an e-mail announcing that Zumba class is Thursday at 4:30. Delta is considering it as a regular class. I e-mailed Wendy to see if it was still on and how many signed up. As it turns out there are two of us! Anyway, by the end of the day the class grew to 6 and Wendy wanted to know if I was coming .... I said yes even though my body was saying no. We had closer to 10 and in the end I was glad I went and got it done .... no excuses, right?!?!? I went home to see dinner ready, thanks honey. I ate and took a migraine pill and went to bed. My day was complete on my check list for Chris! Looking forward to Allison's on Saturday hope to see you all there!

1 comment:

jen said...

way to go Christine!! it's amazing what we can do- even when we think (or feel!) we can't... way to stick with it!