Tuesday, February 3, 2009

See the blog Chris wrote - here are my thoughts

How we precieve the things around us really impacts us, our out look, our feelings and emotions. I let this drag me down for some time and then something snapped and I get it now. I find that taking one day at a time is what helps me get through the things I need to do whether it be work, home, exercising, etc.
I have pain with the exercise I am doing but I look at it as a reminder that I have moved and done something good for myself. I also remind myself that if I stop, the pain will only get worse!
Honestly, I never thought about the packing lunch at might thing but sometimes it does seem like a chore. I can tell you, if I put my mind to it and pack, I am happier at work because I have healthy options at my finger tips. It is easier to turn down someone that asks if I want to go out if I have my lunch and it is something yummy!
One of the girls here recently went to the candy machine for a bar of chocolately goodness. After seeing the calories, she wanted to split it with someone, I turned her down! My ego really wanted even just a bite but I stuck with my carrots and celery. The next day I asked if she wanted some of my candy and I put out carrots in my hand!
I love the last paragraph and it sums up what I feel inside ... there are ALWAYS sacrificies to make to get what you want! Have a healthy week! Peace out!

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