Monday, February 16, 2009

Won't fail!

I got myself down to our weight room with the intent to walk on the dreadmill for 45 minutes. I look into my workout bag and no shoes! My high priced but properly fitted shoes are home on the landing in another bag, lonely. It it a good thing, I think to myself that I am still wearing tennis shoes since my surgery a year ago. Although the fit is not good and they typically make my calves really tight after about 1/2 mile .... I say to myself, 'Self, you can get your butt in there with these shoes and just see how much of the 45 minutes you can do. Something is better than nothing!' So I get on the mill and start her up; low and behold, I got 30 minutes in! Yea for me! My calves did not seize up the way they were before my new shoe purchase so I was glad for that. If the sun stays out, I might just go home, put on my new shoes and get another little walk in while enjoying the fresh air and sun.

1 comment:

Kelly said...

Yeah Christine! That is the spirit! Have a great week!